Recent content by campvess

  1. C


    ini yang di folder C:\xampp\apache\htdocs\XMPPHP direname juga filenya jadi .zip
  2. C


    ini xmpp.php nya aku rubah ekstensinya jadi .zip... tinggal rename aja jadi .php .....tapi koq ad 2 ya file xmpp.php nya.... satu di apache/htdocs/XMPPHP/xmpp.php atu lagi di XAMPP/htdocs/XMPPHP/xmp.php jadi yang mana yang di pakai y?? yang aku upload yang di C:\xampp\htdocs\XMPPHP
  3. C


    ini xmpp.php nya sorry master keputus putus scriptnya..... soalnya gak bisa sekali send......
  4. C


    } /** * Presence handler * * @param string $xml */ public function presence_handler($xml) { $payload['type'] = (isset($xml->attrs['type'])) ? $xml->attrs['type'] : 'available'; $payload['show'] = (isset($xml->sub('show')->data)) ? $xml->sub('show')->data : $payload['type']...
  5. C


    $this->user = $user; $this->password = $password; $this->resource = $resource; if(!$server) $server = $host; $this->basejid = $this->user . '@' . $this->host; $this->roster = new Roster(); $this->track_presence = true; $this->stream_start = '<stream:stream to="' ...
  6. C


    /** * @var string */ public $server; /** * @var string */ public $user; /** * @var string */ protected $password; /** * @var string */ protected $resource; /** * @var string */ protected $fulljid; /** * @var string */ protected $basejid; /** *...
  7. C


    thanks master ini xmpp.php <?php /** * XMPPHP: The PHP XMPP Library * Copyright (C) 2008 Nathanael C. Fritz * This file is part of SleekXMPP. * * XMPPHP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as...
  8. C


    dan solusinya bagaimana y master.... aku pakai Xp sp3.... apa harus download SSL atau gimana salam.....
  9. C


    oh iya maaf rada kurang jelas dari maksud pertanyaan saya..... begini saya mau coba buat web flood fia localhost buat nge generate flood aku pakai program XMPP buat ngejalanin localhostnya ini scriptnya..... <html> <head><title>Web Flood by ?r?yum? The Peace Maker Always</title> <style...
  10. C


    lam kenal buat semua master.... saya coba2 buat lokalhost hampir selesai sih di mozila pun dah keluar template nya cuma pas di submit keluar Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto() [streams.crypto]: this stream does not support SSL/crypto in C:\xampp\htdocs\XMPPHP\XMPP.php on line 392 apa kira2...
