(ASK) ConfigServer Firewall - Setting RESTRICT_SYSLOG?

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Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
Hallo semuanya,

Mau tanya ini pada ConfigServer Security Firewall csf v6.41 di WHM ada warning seperti ini.

WARNING: RESTRICT_SYSLOG is disabled. See SECURITY WARNING in Firewall Configuration

Kalau settingan punya rekan-rekan, atau recommend settingnya itu gimana ya sebaiknya? diset = berapa?
RESTRICT_SYSLOG = 0 ( Default: 0 [0-2] )
0 = Allow those options listed above to be used and configured
1 = Disable all the options listed above and prevent them from being used
2 - Disable only alerts about this feature and do nothing else

Terima kasih


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
hehe... saya rasa banyak yang bingung jg mengenai ini mas..
yang saya baca di wht, di set ke '0' aja mas
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