[ASK] setting x-httpd-php

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Hosting Guru
Ya build sajah, klo ada yg kurang kan dia nambah sendiri


Hosting Guru
coba deh pake yg customizing saja mas buildnya nanti pas bagian yg php versinya pilih saja yg 5.4.21 untuk bagian Short Options List pilih 2 yg atas saja Frontpage DEPRECATED sama Mod SuPHP abis itu klik tombol save and build


Hosting Guru
ternyata ada error mas

There was an error while checking the available PHP versions. Please make sure your PHP 5 binary is working correctly, and try again. More information may be available in the error log. The specific error encountered was:

saya pake http://forums.cpanel.net/f442/there-error-while-checking-available-php-versions-371772.html

mv /usr/local/lib/php.ini /usr/local/lib/php.ini.backup1


sesuai penjelasannya ada error di /usr/local/lib/php.ini jd harus dibuat lg

udh bisa cek php -v :D

coba deh cek lg mas

blog wordpressnya sudah bisa diakses tuh ga eror lg :D
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