Beli Cpanel License dari Cpanel Authorized Distributor

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Hosting Guru
kalo issuenya termasuk yang known issue, bisa cepet
kebanyakan yang saya alami, bukan yang known issue

kalau known issue mah, googling juga ketemu

engga juga sih om bforce
biasanya kalau lari ke staff cPanel
bisa hitungan hari

Mungkin juga.
Kejadian terakhir kalo ngak salah gagal intall/jalankan SSL, selalu diswitch ke stunnel (detil lupa). Sudah coba berbagai cara dari petunjuknya, dan lain2, juga googling, semua gagal.

Saat itu, kira2 15 menit telah direspon, dan kira <1 jam telah selesai masalahnya.
Tapi memang saya jarang sekali perlu kontak cpanel langsung, rata2 cpanel berjalan lancar selama ini.

Resiko support memang ada, tapi kalau mau hemat, link ini boleh dicoba: => $35/mo for life.


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
wah jadi banyak tau kan .. trims atas sharenya ..


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
kalau mau lebih murah lagi bisa ambil annual license dari PSM (h**p://


betul, btw mesti tahunan :) .. trims infonya.


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
saya kasih review dikit nih untuk beberapa distributror, ini adalah review pre-sales.

setelah nyimak, ada masukan kira2 yang recomended yang mana ya ?
atau ada yang bisa share tambahan review juga tentang distributor2 tersebut ?


* ticket masih belum ada response (via email sales)
Date: 01/11/2010 06:56:14 PM (Mon, 11 Jan 2010 06:56:14 -0500)

Your ticket has been received, one of the staff members will review it and reply accordingly. Listed below are details of this ticket, Please make sure the Ticket ID remains in the subject at all times.

Ticket ID: QZA-393783
Subject: About Cpanel License
Department: ICP - Billing
Priority: High
Status: Open

You can check the status or reply to this ticket online at:

Please do let us know if we can assist you any further,



* ticket ke-1 lebih dari 24 jam (via email sales).
You can cancel from the website just login


Michael Lavrik
:Director of Business Development:
* kirim ticket ke-2 baru ada reply dalam 24 jam (via offline message LivePerson)
Date: 01/12/2010 10:07:52 PM (Tue, 12 Jan 2010 10:07:52 -0500)

IP: x.x.x.x

You can sign up for this IP, for cpanel now. What then happens is a transfer request is placed and the IP x.x.x.x is migrated to us by cpanel, inc.

Once done, the previous fantastico license needs to be cancelled, then we can activate x.x.x.x for fantastico.
Best Regards,

John Quaglieri
InterServer, Inc

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: 90735
Department: General
Priority: Standard - 1 to 3 hour resolution
Status: Closed

* ticket direponse kurang dari 24 jam (via email sales), dan informasinya sangat detil dan lengkap untuk kasus reisue license.
Date: 01/13/2010 01:29:28 AM (Tue, 12 Jan 2010 10:29:28 -0800)
please submit your order online at h**ps://
Orders are INSTANTLY processed, and your license will be activated. You
will receive an email detailing the next steps in the activation process,
including how to install cPanel.
Orders are submitted securely using 128-bit SSL encryption.

Once we have received your order for a cPanel License, if that IP Address
has been used for a cPanel license with a previous cPanel distributor, it
must be transferred to There is NO ACTION required on your
part. The transfer process will take from 1 to 2 days. If you need your
license activated INSTANTLY, you can cancel your license at your provider
and then we can reactivate that license right away. OR you can submit a
different IP address to us, that has never been licensed in the past for
cPanel ([email protected]).

Here is the procedure we must follow to transfer your license from a
previous cPanel provider. You will be NOTIFIED when the transfer process is
complete and your license is activated:

1) We have submitted a request to activate your cPanel license to the cPanel
licensing server.
2) The licensing server will ask the previous cPanel license provider for
approval to transfer.
3) If the provider approves, the transfer will occur and your license will
automatically be activated quickly.
4) If your provider does not approve the transfer or does nothing, will check the request and make their decision and usually the
staff moves the licenses on the 2nd day.

We also have Instant online forms for your use to change an IP address for
your cPanel or Fantastico license.
The cPanel Change IP Request form: or
Fantastico Change IP Request form

We provide our support for your cpanel license problems. We can provide
advice and cpanel/server help with most of the common support issues. We can
also contact Level 3 Admin techs when needed, as we have ultra priority VIP
support with them. We have been in this cpanel license business since cpanel
was created over 10 years ago. We are all very experienced in the hosting
industry. We can concentrate on just our cpanel license clients. If you
need support - contact us!
We are very flexible, work almost 24/7, and we have full customer service
support on the weekends ............. We try harder!!

Thank You,
BuyCpanel Sales Team


Apprentice 1.0
cuma mau nambahin, saya dulu pernah telat bayar license, kena denda 7 USD di kalau di tempat lain ga tau deh.

kykanya kena denda kalau seminggu telat atau berapa hari telat gtu..soalnya gw jga pernah telat sehari apa 2 hari gara2 invoice ga masuk ke email :D masih bayar tetap..

di isntantcpanel license switch IP nya cepet :) klo mau ganti license, terus bisa minta support install kalau lagi malas install :D dia satu geng sama hostdime
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