CPanel Auto SSL detect IP lokal

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Hosting Guru
yang sudah pake whm/cpanel 58 atau versi sebelumnya dan sudah install AutoSSL, adakah yang mengalami problem seperti ini

saya add domain, cek autossl, tidak bisa buat ssl karena domain tersebut menggunakan ip selain ip milik server
parahnya, yg di detect malah domain tersebut menggunakan ip lokal server, bukan ip publik

4:53:19 PM WARN The domain “” has failed domain control validation (The system failed to fetch the DCV (Domain Control Validation) file at “” because of an error: The system failed to send an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) “GET” request to “” because of an error: Could not connect to '': Connection timed out . The domain “” resolved to an IP address “” that does not exist on this server.). at bin/ line 449.
 4:54:19 PM WARN The domain “” has failed domain control validation (The system failed to fetch the DCV (Domain Control Validation) file at “” because of an error: The system failed to send an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) “GET” request to “” because of an error: Could not connect to '': Connection timed out . The domain “” resolved to an IP address “” that does not exist on this server.). at bin/ line 449.
 4:54:19 PM WARN The domain “” has failed domain control validation (The system failed to fetch the DCV (Domain Control Validation) file at “” because of an error: The system failed to send an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) “GET” request to “” because of an error: Could not connect to '': Connection refused . The domain “” resolved to an IP address “” that does not exist on this server.). at bin/ line 449.
 4:54:19 PM WARN The domain “” has failed domain control validation (“” does not resolve to any IPv4 addresses on the internet.). at bin/ line 449.

padahal kalo di cek lewat dig/ping/nslookup, domain dan subdomain tersebut sudah benar diarahkan ke ip public, bisa diakses malah via browser

mohon bantuannya



Hosting Guru
nah, makanya itu, kok bisa2nya autossl detect kalo satu domain itu pake ip lokal
ini habis add domain baru, padahal propagasi dah selesai, tapi malah failed juga dengan alasan lebih aneh

 11:26:48 PM WARN The domain “” has failed domain control validation (“” does not resolve to any IPv4 addresses on the internet.). at bin/ line 449.
 11:26:56 PM WARN The domain “” has failed domain control validation (“” does not resolve to any IPv4 addresses on the internet.). at bin/ line 449.

doesn't resolve to any ipv4 address :38:


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
agak aneh juga ya .. kemarin setup vps punya client aktifkan autossl tidak ada masalah. mungkin dicek lagi resolver dnsnya kalau aja ada custom yang memang mengarah ke ip lain


Hosting Guru
agak aneh juga ya .. kemarin setup vps punya client aktifkan autossl tidak ada masalah. mungkin dicek lagi resolver dnsnya kalau aja ada custom yang memang mengarah ke ip lain

resolver dns cuma pakai milik google aja mas ( /
plus satu custom resolver dari upline, tapi cek dig ke resolver itu, sudah mengarah ke ip public
makanya ini bingung juga

kemaren iseng2 setup di digitalocean juga sempet begitu, resolve ke ip lokal, tapi gak lama, 2 jam kemudian di test lagi lancar jaya
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