How to Convert a cPanel/WHM server to Cloudlinux


Beginner 2.0
CloudLinux is a Linux-based OS designed to give shared hosting providers a more stable and secure OS. It comes with a set of kernel modifications to the Linux distribution. It implements features to enable system administrators to take better control of their server's resource usage and hence a better performance as a result. It is possible to convert an already installed WHM server to a CloudLinux server without a reinstallation.
  1. Make sure that you have a license from ClloudLinux.
  2. Login to the server as root.
  3. Download the installation script:
  4. If you have an activation key with you, run the following command by replacing the key:
    #sh cldeploy -k <activation_key>
  5. If you don't have a key, but an IP-based license:
    # sh cldeploy -i
  6. It will take some time for running the script, please wait till it gets finished.
  7. Once it is done, reboot the server:
*If you have any questions, feel free to contact us