mohon saran dan kritik dari webmaster

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biasanya dibagian footer.php

apus aja versinya.. biasanya yg jadi target tu versinya aja sih (terutama klo versinya udah lama ga diupdate yg udah banyak hole)
biasanya dibagian footer.php

apus aja versinya.. biasanya yg jadi target tu versinya aja sih (terutama klo versinya udah lama ga diupdate yg udah banyak hole)

caranya gmn Tuan???
q cari2 di footernya kog ga ad??
mohon bantuannya dong...:6:
masa ga ada di domain.tld/wp-admin/theme-editor.php > Footer (footer.php) ???

isi footernya gimana? di inspect elementnya google chrome sih ada di <div id="footer"></div>
masa ga ada di domain.tld/wp-admin/theme-editor.php > Footer (footer.php) ???

isi footernya gimana? di inspect elementnya google chrome sih ada di <div id="footer"></div>

iya q tau difooter,tpi dibagian mnnya Tuan??
ini Tuan isi footernya

 * Footer Template Part File
 * Template part file that contains the site footer and
 * closing HTML body elements
 * This file is called by all primary template pages
 * Child Themes can override this template part file globally,
 * via "footer.php", or in a given specific context, via
 * "footer-{context}.php". For example, to replace this
 * template part file on static Pages, a Child Theme would
 * include the file "footer-page.php".
 * @uses 		oenology_hook_extent_after()
 * @uses 		oenology_hook_site_footer()
 * @uses 		oenology_hook_site_footer_after()
 * @uses 		oenology_hook_site_footer_before()
 * @uses 		wp_footer()
 * @package 	Oenology
 * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2010, Chip Bennett
 * @license GNU General Public License, v2 (or newer)
 * @since 		Oenology 1.0
	<!-- End Content  (div#content)-->
	<!-- Begin Footer (div#footer) -->
	// div#footer contains the site copyright notice
	// and credit links
	<div id="footer">

		// Fire the 'oenology_hook_site_footer_before' custom action hook
		// @param	null
		// @return	mixed	any output hooked into 'oenology_hook_site_footer_before'

		// Fire the 'oenology_hook_site_footer' custom filter hook
		// @param	null
		// @return	mixed	filtered output of 'oenology_hook_site_footer'

		// Fire the 'oenology_hook_site_footer_after' custom action hook
		// @param	null
		// @return	mixed	any output hooked into 'oenology_hook_site_footer_after'
	<!-- End Footer (div#footer) -->

// Fire the 'oenology_hook_extent_after' custom action hook
// @param	null
// @return	mixed	any output hooked into 'oenology_hook_extent_after'

<!-- End Extent (div#extent) -->

// Fire the 'wp_footer' action hook
// Codex reference: {@link wp_footer}
// This hook is used by WordPress core, Themes, and Plugins to 
// add scripts, CSS styles, meta tags, etc. to the document footer.
// MUST come immediately before the closing </body> tag
// @param	null
// @return	mixed	any output hooked into 'wp_footer'
hoo beda ya,, itu dari keterangan di themes ada beberapa petunjuk.. coba cari2 file di daerah situ yg agak berkaitan sama wp_footer sama oenology.. tapi untung sih themesnya ga di encode..
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