Periksa Keamanan Website Secara Gratis dari

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Apprentice 1.0
Selamat Malam Master2,

Saya baru dapat email dan mau numpang share informasi juga disini.

Worried your website is or might get infected by hackers? Find out if your website is vulnerable and more likely to be compromised by Hackers and malware attacks.

For a limited time only, we offer you a completely free application vulnerabilty assessment of your website.

We check for web application vulnerabilities in most popular software like WordPress, Drupal, Django, Joomla, Ruby on Rails, OpenCMS and uncover vulnerabilities in custom installations too.

We will notify you of outdated software versions and scan your applications for vulnerabilities likeCross-Site Scripting, SQL injection or .htaccess file vulnerability.

Finally we provide you with a detailed report outlining critical issues of your applications and how to fix it. We even offer a hassle-free patching service ourselves. As the Application Vulnerability Assessments takes about 3-6 hours to complete we will notify via eMail when your report is ready.

Selengkapnya, klik aja: | Special Offer: Get a free Application Vulnerability Assessment for your Website


Apprentice 1.0
Penyerahan hasil laporan tidak sesuai janji deh, katanya 6-12 jam. Ini baru terima ada sudah lewat beberapa hari. :(

Laporan yang saya dapatkan sbb:

Dear Customer,

We have finished scanning your domain Buku Resep Masakan Dapur Ibu Indonesia - Mudah, Enak dan Hemat ! for vulnerabilities and here is what we found.


Broken Web Servers

Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)

Device Type

OS Identification

HTTP Server Cookies Set

and a few more...

We strongly recommend to fix the above listed website vulnerabilities as fast as possible to reduce the probability of getting hacked and infected with malware. Taking proactive measures to patch and seal up your website will help to keep your website up to date and prevent financial loss and negative reputation.

The good news is that StopTheHacker offers a Vulnerability Patching Service that will take care of the found vulnerabilities and harden your website against hacker and malware attacks.

Check out StopTheHacker's Vulnerability Patching Service

Remember, to keep your website safe you need both vulnerability analysis and malware protection. StopTheHacker can help with both and also remove malware automatically from your website should a hacker break in!

If you are interested in learning more about StopTheHacker and what our comprehensive suite of services can do to keep your domain running smoothly and malware free, please visit us at to learn more about our services.

Thank you,
Your StopTheHacker Team

Tapi bingung, itu artinya apaan?
Tidak ada penjelasan lebih mendetail, malah kok ada link ke jasa dia.
Kesannya seperti cuma scanning basa-basi, untuk kedok marketing jualan jasa nya aja deh. :(

Menyesal deh cobainnya. :(


Apprentice 1.0
Saya nangkep dari laporannya yaitu
kalau web anda sangat lemah keamanannya, dan yang lebih parah pada akhir laporan mereka malah promosi kalau mereka menyediakan jasa untuk pembersihan virus & meningkatkan keamanan web.
-Mungkin bakal suruh banyar?

Yang saya tangkap seperti itu. CMIIW
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