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Poster 1.0
Hi para suhu.. saya mau minta bantuan step by step untuk setup WHM di VPS saya..

ada banyak yang mau de setting cuma saya baru pertama kali ini mau install WHM..

pas baru mau setup dah ada kek gini.

This Server's Hostname * : sub.namadomain.com
The current hostname of the server must be set to a valid FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) to work properly.
It must have this format: name.domain.tld
Good examples: server45.yourdomain.com, sub.yourdomain.com
Bad examples: server2, somedomain.com

Di bawahnya :

Main Network/Ethernet Device

If you are using a device other than the first network/Ethernet device (known as eth0 on some systems), select your device from the drop-down menu.

Please note that an interface with a colon :)) in its name, such as venet0:0, is a virtual interface. You will not be able to bind IPs if you choose a virtual interface as the main network/Ethernet device.

Select the main network/Ethernet device: venet0:0 trus ada dropdown Other..

saya benar2 gelap dah.. Mohon pencerahan para suhu..


Apprentice 2.0
itu udah dikasih petunjuknya, tinggal ngikutin aja


Poster 1.0
Benergan heheheh dah bisa skrang... Oh ya kalo mau install Softaculouse gmana yah ? saya cari2 auto installer di WHM gak ada apa harus di install sendiri ? makasih


Hosting Guru
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