[Ask] Cara Mengatasi Spamming Email

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Poster 2.0
mau numpang tanya nih,,,

saya ada VPS + WHM, saya cek load server tinggi karena ada USER: mailnull , command exim

setelah mencoba diselidiki, ada beberapa website klien

misal: http://xxxx.com/wp-includes/theme-compat/functions.php

URL ini saya dapet dari cPanel - Latest Visitor

saya coba buka url tersebut, yg tampil dilayar: Linux10+cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da

cari-cari di google, ternyata ada script spamming,

yg saya tanyain, bagaimana cara mengatasi masalah seperti ini?

Thanks :rolleyes:


Web Hosting Service
The Warrior
Verified Provider
kalau emang spamming, tinggal suspend aja, kok repot ?


Poster 2.0
kalau emang spamming, tinggal suspend aja, kok repot ?

ya repot, emang dengan di suspend bisa menyelesaikan masalah?


jangan-jangan Anda sbgai penyedia hosting asal main SUSPEND aja, gak memberikan solusi kepada klien.

Kalau komentar, yang smart dong... komentar Anda dinilai byk orang disini, kompeten atau tidaknya Anda dalam perhostingan, terlihat disini.


Hosting Guru
1. Coba di update wordpress nya Tuan
2. Beri limit pengiriman email di akun tersebut (Bisa dari menu modify account di WHM)
3. Scan dengan Anti Virus/Anti Malware yang ada untuk menghapus suspicious script nya


Hosting Guru
mau numpang tanya nih,,,

saya ada VPS + WHM, saya cek load server tinggi karena ada USER: mailnull , command exim

setelah mencoba diselidiki, ada beberapa website klien

misal: http://xxxx.com/wp-includes/theme-compat/functions.php

URL ini saya dapet dari cPanel - Latest Visitor

saya coba buka url tersebut, yg tampil dilayar: Linux10+cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da

cari-cari di google, ternyata ada script spamming,

yg saya tanyain, bagaimana cara mengatasi masalah seperti ini?

Thanks :rolleyes:

itu adanya di themes wpnya ? coba cek ke clientnya themesnya dapet dr mana ? klo premium ya update aja themesnya, klo wp ini klo dapet themesnya smbarangan bisa ditembus terus, paling aman sering update core wpnya, themesnya kalau free yg sering update carinya, atau beli yg premium sekalian biar aman


Web Hosting Service
The Warrior
Verified Provider


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
Mudah2an ini membantu:

excerpt from http://forums.cpanel.net/f5/setup-l...-hour-per-domain-users-201222.html#post843452

The intention of this guide is to provide some steps to help tighten the email sending practices on a machine in order to facilitate both determining the legitimate sender of an email as well as preventing spoofing on the machine.

WHM Options to Enable

1. Preventing nobody from sending emails

WHM > Tweak Settings, select “On” for the following option:

Prevent “nobody” from sending mail [?]

Prevent the user “nobody” from sending out mail to remote addresses
(PHP and CGI scripts generally run as “nobody” if you are using mod_php or have Suexec disabled.)
Then click the “Save” button to save the configuration change.

If you are using DSO for the PHP handler, this option is not advised. You can see in WHM > Apache Configuration > PHP and SuExec Configuration area which PHP handler is being used on the machine.

The default handler for new cPanel installations would be suPHP, which would work for the above option. If you are using an older setup with DSO, it would be recommended to change to suPHP for better tracking on who is running PHP processes for scripts that send emails anyway.

2. Setting the Sender header when the email sender tries to spoof the sender

WHM > Exim Configuration, select the following:

Set the Sender: Header when the mail sender changes the sender (-f flag passed to sendmail) and Sender Verification Callouts set to ON

Then click the “Save” button to save the configuration change.

3. Adding MailHeaders for PHP

WHM > EasyApache (Apache Update) > Step 6 Exhaustive Options List in the PHP section (PHP 4 and/or PHP 5), select the following:

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