Cara Setting Email WHMCS Untuk Invoice

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kalo menurut saya
tergantung ip yang dipakai untuk kirim email
isi email tersebut, penyedia emailnya
untuk ngaturnya tinggal di filter aja om kalo gmail,
dimark star , nnti masuk ke inbox langsung
Teman2 DWH satu lagi nhe,

Mau tanya cara buat sms invoice dengan no.hp gmna ya?

Thanks ya:)

coba klik tab Addons yang ada di whmcs, lalu cari deh, waktu itu saya nemu 2 kalau tidak salah, lupa namanya :D
yang satu komersial (berbayar), yg satu pakai seperti sistem pulsa gtu, jd harus topup biar bisa ngrim sms :D
Teman2 DWH satu lagi nhe,

Mau tanya cara buat sms invoice dengan no.hp gmna ya?

Thanks ya:)

ada module nya Tuan nama nya
[h=1]WHMCS SMS Notify[/h]ini fitur dari modul itu:

-Muliple SMS language Patterns
-Multple simultaneus SMS Gateways Support
-Easy API for every sms gateway intergration!
-Sent SMS with all services info: Domain,Hosting Packname, Expiry Date, NextDue Date, Recurring amount, Days Left..and many more!
-Ability to choose date format for Expiry Date & Next Due Date
-Ability for multiply SMS notification at N days before expire (30,5: 30
days & 5 days before expire)
-Ability to sent SMS bigger than 160 characters (Long SMS)
-Ability to recieve SMS at N hours from CronJob run
-History for sent SMS
-Status for sent SMS
-Cost for sent SMS
-Upcoming SMS that will sent
-Ability to ask Credit cost for a specific number
-Wizard tool for coping Phone filed to SMS contact Table
-Page for SMS Management for each client
-Ability to enable / disable to recieve SMS for each customer
-Mass SMS, can sent SMS to all customers with certain message text.
-Notification for new orders, new support tickets or replies also on certain
ticket status (Customer-Reply), on invoice paid with many message keywords.
ada module nya Tuan nama nya
[h=1]WHMCS SMS Notify[/h]ini fitur dari modul itu:

-Muliple SMS language Patterns
-Multple simultaneus SMS Gateways Support
-Easy API for every sms gateway intergration!
-Sent SMS with all services info: Domain,Hosting Packname, Expiry Date, NextDue Date, Recurring amount, Days Left..and many more!
-Ability to choose date format for Expiry Date & Next Due Date
-Ability for multiply SMS notification at N days before expire (30,5: 30
days & 5 days before expire)
-Ability to sent SMS bigger than 160 characters (Long SMS)
-Ability to recieve SMS at N hours from CronJob run
-History for sent SMS
-Status for sent SMS
-Cost for sent SMS
-Upcoming SMS that will sent
-Ability to ask Credit cost for a specific number
-Wizard tool for coping Phone filed to SMS contact Table
-Page for SMS Management for each client
-Ability to enable / disable to recieve SMS for each customer
-Mass SMS, can sent SMS to all customers with certain message text.
-Notification for new orders, new support tickets or replies also on certain
ticket status (Customer-Reply), on invoice paid with many message keywords.

Mending pake layanan sms di indonesia aja,
klo pake livezilla harus ada yg di install di web hostingnya, ada yg diupload, pakenya yg livezilla server admin, klo step2nya benar sampai url namadomain.tld/livezilla bisa diakses nanti step trakhirnya bikin database, yg ini kudu manual create databasenya dlu sama usernya baru konekin, klo udh nanti tinggal create databasenya slsai deh
klo pake livezilla harus ada yg di install di web hostingnya, ada yg diupload, pakenya yg livezilla server admin, klo step2nya benar sampai url namadomain.tld/livezilla bisa diakses nanti step trakhirnya bikin database, yg ini kudu manual create databasenya dlu sama usernya baru konekin, klo udh nanti tinggal create databasenya slsai deh

Udah saya jalanin semua tutor'a Tuan... Pokok'a udah selesai di save semua dari pembuatan database, user, & password. Sampai upload file'a semua'a udah aku connect melalui server admin livezilla yg aq install td... Pada saat aq mau login buat ngambil barner yg mau di pasang di website, koq ga bisa login ya... Padahal semua udah sukses...

Mohon bantuan'a ya Tuan...
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