gagal perpanjang domain

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Beginner 1.0
pagi suhu2 tercinta.. saya ketemu masalah , kemarin coba perpanjang domain di reseller domain panel, setelah melakukan langkah ini :
1. list of order
2.renew domain
3. centang pilihan : Execute the request(s), but cancel the Invoice(s). That way your Customer will not have to Pay for these Invoice(s) at all. The associated action(s) will be executed and invoice(s) will be reversed by raising appropriate Credit Note(s).
4. klik :
Click here to "Execute the above Requests" without receiving a Payment.

5. masuk ke halaman sussess page, dan setelah terima email kalo renewal nya failed.. itu udah berkali2 saya coba masih tetap failed. Mohon bantuannya ...
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Beginner 1.0
order status nya : Order Locked In Processing.
error description : Renewal action locked in processing; will be automatically processed by the system

kenapa ini ya??


Hosting Guru
Masnya reseller domain dr hoster lain?

Atau masnya reseller lngsung dr registrarnya?

Klo masnya reseller domain dr hoster lain cba kontak hosternya sapa tau deposit si hoster lg abis :)


Web Hosting Service
The Warrior
Verified Provider
iya, coba kontak uplinenya saja :)
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