guys, saya baru coba edit DNS Zone server saya tapi mengapa setelah saya ganti muncul seperti ini ya :
Unable to parse zone: There was an error while loading the zone for Please correct any errors in this zone manually and try again. The exact error from the parser was: expected valid serial, line 4 . /tmp/cpanel.TMP.1rCLyhY0oCJgQZBE
warning: felix.rinaldo\ bad name (check-names) zone loaded serial 2010040403 OK
ada yg bisa bantu??
Unable to parse zone: There was an error while loading the zone for Please correct any errors in this zone manually and try again. The exact error from the parser was: expected valid serial, line 4 . /tmp/cpanel.TMP.1rCLyhY0oCJgQZBE

ada yg bisa bantu??