ASK=eror pengecekan di

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Apprentice 1.0
mau tanya master semua..
ini pada akun reseller yg ketiga.. ns1 dan ns2 untuk reseller A ns3 dan ns4 untuk reseller B
dan yg ketiga ini ketika sampel domainnya q cek dipengecekan maka ada erorr BIRU (pada reseller A,B hijau)
pada DNS Parent sent Glue

The parent nameserver is not sending out GLUE for every nameservers listed, meaning he is sending out your nameservers host names without sending the A records of those nameservers. It's ok but you have to know that this will require an extra A lookup that can delay a little the connections to your site. This happens a lot if you have nameservers on different TLD ( for example with nameserver

cara fix eror ini gimana ya..padahal settingannya sama dgn yg B dan A
kalo q mencernanya tdk ada GLUE nya..nah ngasih GLUEnya gimana..
Mohon bantuannya ya
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