AVIRA lagi bagi bagi lisensi Premium Security Suites 1 tahun

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info buat rekan2 yang mungkin dulu pernah menggunakan AVIRA anti virus dan subscribe newsletter, silahkan cek email anda karena saat ini AVIRA sedang mengadakan survey online, yang telah melakukan survey akan mendapatkan lisensi gratis AVIRA PREMIUM SECURITY Suite selama 1 tahun.

cek email ............................... :dance:
info buat rekan2 yang mungkin dulu pernah menggunakan AVIRA anti virus dan subscribe newsletter, silahkan cek email anda karena saat ini AVIRA sedang mengadakan survey online, yang telah melakukan survey akan mendapatkan lisensi gratis AVIRA PREMIUM SECURITY Suite selama 1 tahun.

cek email ............................... :dance:
Email aku gak masuk neh survey nya
nih contoh emailnya....

Dear Mr. Jaap Ns,

Avira is growing. And we want to understand how our products and services can continue to meet the needs of computer users like you. We care about what you think and know that we learn best by engaging directly with customers. Thanks in advance for your participation.

We are hoping you can take approximately 10 minutes to answer a survey about you and your perceptions of Avira – our company and its security software products. Participate here.

Our Gift to You.
As a Thank You for sharing your time and opinions, we will follow-up with the gift of a 1-year upgrade to our Premium Security Suite product or an additional 12 month license!

Avira now supports over 100M users around the world with our extremely high-quality anti-virus and malware prevention software. Your opinions will help us continue to be successful for you and many others in the years ahead.

Thanks in advance for your support!

Your friends at Avira

nah ada link surveynya, coba aja sapa tau bisa , klik disini
keknya free premium lisensi ini gak di bagikan ke semua yang ikutan review deh.
gak apa deh masih sukur di kasih gratis pake dah 4 tahun.
btw thanks inponya mas
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