Briefing About Web Traffic Analysis

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One of the best ways to improve your Web site marketing is to analyze the existing traffic to your Web site. Until you understand who is coming and why, it'll be difficult to improve. There four ways to analyze Web site traffic:

* Install a counter on your Web page
* Use your ISP's statistical package
* Purchase Web traffic analysis software
* Employ an outside firm to audit your Web traffic
In short, traffic analysis allows you to ask questions which help you fine-tune your Web marketing strategy. Web marketing without statistical analysis is like learning to drive blindfolded. At best, ineffective, at worst, dangerous.
Dan walaupun diutamakan dalam bahasa Indonesia, forum ini juga bebas aja kok kalo mo pake bahasa Inggris.
Bahasa apa saja OK, asal bahasa "sopan". :)
Tapi kalau postingnya ingin dimengerti oleh rata2 pengunjung situs ini, sebaiknya dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
I want to know that which bookmarking site is good to increase the traffic.
Which site do you prefer?
please suggest me.
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