BUTUH Dedicated Server & VPS

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Expert 1.0
Kawan, ada request kayak gini masuk ke email kami:

Our company is looking for a Dedicated Server or Virtual Private Server (VPS) with a dedicated international bandwidth of at least a minimum of +512 Kbps. We will need Fifteen (15) Blocks of Public IP (IP Prefix). The Data Center should be located at Indonesia. Please see below for the sample blocks of Public IP:


1) 221.132.XXX.XXX IP PREFIX (Five (5) different IP Prefixes)
2) 210.86.XXX.XXX
3) 112.213.XXX.XXX
4) 112.208.XXX.XXX
5) 111.102.XXX.XXX

It will be a great help if you can provide us the Five (5) Blocks of Public IP. Upon purchasing these blocks of Public IP, we have two (2) options:

Option 1 – We will purchase
  • Two (2) units of Dedicated Server with Dual Network Card that can handle up to Four (4) IP Prefixes
  • One (1) VPS that can handle One (1) Public IP

OR -

Option 2 – We will purchase

  • Five (5) VPS that will handle One (1) Public IP each

Please take note that this server will be used for VPN only. We will not host anything in those servers.

And lastly, we prefer to use Windows Server 2003/2008 rather than Linux because our IT staff support and are more familiar with the Windows Server 2003/2008. With regards to license, is it possible to use our own? If yes, kindly install the Windows Server 2003/2008 Standard Edition (Trial Version) and our IT staff will be the one to activate the license. And if it’s not possible to use our own license, can we just use yours and will just pay accordingly?

Nah adakah diantara kawan sekalian yang pernah mendapatkan email serupa? [kemungkinan yang bersangkutan meminta penawaran dari banyak supplier Indonesia], jika tidak, siapa yang bisa memberikan solusi [penawaran harga] atas request tersebut?


Expert 2.0
blm lama ada 2 kawan hoster yg bertanya serupa ke saya persis banget pertanyaan nya seperti itu permintaan c client, apakah si pengirim memang mencari ke hoster2 indo ya ? hmmm ...


Expert 1.0
Kawan, ada request kayak gini masuk ke email kami:

Nah adakah diantara kawan sekalian yang pernah mendapatkan email serupa? [kemungkinan yang bersangkutan meminta penawaran dari banyak supplier Indonesia], jika tidak, siapa yang bisa memberikan solusi [penawaran harga] atas request tersebut?

coba ditanyaken kembali, itu 1 bloknya /24 atau /29 ?
kita bisa menyediaken 5 IP Prefixes, dan mas budiono tinggal colo saja ditempat saya (ini promosi ga yah) :), tapi bila perlu dedicatednya juga ada, harga IP nanti kuPM yah :)

Eko Junaedy


Expert 1.0
kebanyakan klo yg minta "different subnet" cuma 3 kemungkinan :

1. Peering/transit-nya lebih bagus ip yg xx.xx.xx.yy dibanding yy.yy.yy.zz (dan ini jarang banget minta di awal)
2. SEO (walaupun itu cuma myth masih banyak aja yg percaya beda subnet + ip class C pagerank beserta embel2nya cepet naek)
3. spammer. tau sendiri deh knapa alasannya. :D

pak eko. kita ngobrol yuk, ada banyak yg mau saya tanyain.. :D


Expert 1.0
kebanyakan klo yg minta "different subnet" cuma 3 kemungkinan :

1. Peering/transit-nya lebih bagus ip yg xx.xx.xx.yy dibanding yy.yy.yy.zz (dan ini jarang banget minta di awal)
2. SEO (walaupun itu cuma myth masih banyak aja yg percaya beda subnet + ip class C pagerank beserta embel2nya cepet naek)
3. spammer. tau sendiri deh knapa alasannya. :D

pak eko. kita ngobrol yuk, ada banyak yg mau saya tanyain.. :D

monggo mas, di forum "bebas disini" atau "private" kayanya status masih Pending (Waiting for Authorization)

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