Congrats u/Jogjacamp & Ardhosting

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Apprentice 2.0
Tahun lalu saya masih melihat accredited registrar Indonesia masih kosong.
Ternyata saat ini ada 2, yaitu Jogjacamp dan Ardhosting.

congratulation u/jadi pelopor, semoga diikuti perusahaan lain.

Kalo melihat syarat u/jadi registrar terakreditasi di icann memang ndak mudah, di antaranya biaya yg cukup mencekik leher untuk para hoster pemula.
Jadi ya memang harus perusahaanyg sudah manstrab kondisi keuangan dan stabil bisnisnya.
3.9 Accreditation Fees. As a condition of accreditation, Registrar shall pay accreditation fees to ICANN. These fees consist of yearly and variable fees.

3.9.1 Yearly Accreditation Fee. Registrar shall pay ICANN a yearly accreditation fee in an amount established by the ICANN Board of Directors, in conformity with ICANN's bylaws and articles of incorporation. This yearly accreditation fee shall not exceed US$4,000. Payment of the yearly fee shall be due within thirty (30) days after invoice from ICANN, provided that Registrar may elect to pay the yearly fee in four (4) equal quarterly installments.

3.9.2 Variable Accreditation Fee. Registrar shall pay the variable accreditation fees established by the ICANN Board of Directors, in conformity with ICANN's bylaws and articles of incorporation, provided that in each case such fees are reasonably allocated among all registrars that contract with ICANN and that any such fees must be expressly approved by registrars accounting, in the aggregate, for payment of two-thirds of all registrar-level fees. Registrar shall pay such fees in a timely manner for so long as all material terms of this Agreement remain in full force and effect, and notwithstanding the pendency of any dispute between Registrar and ICANN.

3.9.3 For any payments thirty (30) days or more overdue, Registrar shall pay interest on late payments at the rate of 1.5% per month or, if less, the maximum rate permitted by applicable law from later of the date of the invoice or the date the invoice is sent pursuant to Section 5.11 of this Agreement. On reasonable notice given by ICANN to Registrar, accountings submitted by Registrar shall be subject to verification by an audit of Registrar's books and records by an independent third-party that shall preserve the confidentiality of such books and records (other than its findings as to the accuracy of, and any necessary corrections to, the accountings).

Any comments Tuan2?
afaik si itungannya kalo baru punya dibawah 15.000 domain = ngga terlalu nguntungin
kalo dibanding sama bunga bank ya
itu dulu pernah tanya sama orang yang jual logicbox
Terima kasih atensinya, :) Mudah2an bisa memberi efek positif buat industri domain hosting di Indonesia. Maju terus domain hosting Indonesia!! :D

Salah satu keuntungan registrar selain registrasi dan manage domain adalah "jatah koneksi" aktivasi deleted domain (dari thread sebelah :p), bisa service domain parking dan landrush. Yang terakhir seperti yang sekarang sedang hot2 nya landrush a.k.a indent domain .co :105:
:41: Selamat n sukses buat keduanya dech...
Semakin banyak Hoster indonesia jadi Accredited Registrar...
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