Dedicated Server

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Apprentice 2.0
Dear All

Saat ini ada kurang lebih 10 stok server dengan spesifikasi sbb :
proc dual core - dual Opteron 2214
mem 8 GB
hdd 320 GB
Maaf yang atas kurang lengkap..

(4 Unit) Dual Core - Dual Opteron 2214, RAM 8 GB, HDD 320 GB, Harga 2.500.000/bulan
(5 unit) Dual Core - Dual Opteron 2214, RAM 4 GB, HDD 80 GB, Harga 1.750.000/bulan

Lokasi Server IDC 3D (Spring & Winter)

Fasilitas :

- /29 (5 Public IP)
- Link OIXP/IIX Up to 1 Gbps (Total Shared)
- Link Intl Up 10 Mbps, Down 2 Mbps (Rack Shared)

Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan untuk menghubungi saya di 08158627622/08888763551 atau YM cybernoc2k3

Terima kasih

A dedicated server is a server to which you are the only one that has access to the files, and you control the contents of the entire server. You are not sharing space with anyone else, nor can anyone else get to your data.
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