dibutuhkan web developer dan helpdesk IT segera!!!!

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New Member
alo kk semua, perusahaan saya lagi butuh web developer dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :
- Coordinate specifications of changes with Business Integration Analyst
- Implement changes to CMS and other web applications
- Ensure that implemented changes are according to specification and QA standards
- Coordinate test results with the Tester
- You have at least 2 years proven experience in website development
- You have experience with content management systems (e.g. Joomla, Drupal)
- You are proficient in CSS and tableless website theming
- You have experience in PHP development and customizations
- You have experience in configuring and maintaining LAMP based architectures
- Experience with Drupal is an advantage

helpdesk IT
requirement :
-bisa menggunakan komputer dan operasional komputer setidaknya thunderbird dan lain2
-cewe umur antara 20 sampai 30
-berkepribadian baik

please send to my email in [email protected]
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