Frontend Developer Needed - Python Flask

Putu Tari

Beginner 1.0
Remote work position for skilled fullstack developer.

We're looking for a developer to join our team who is comfortable with Python, Flask, MongoDB and git to work on a very wide variety of projects (frontend, backend, simple websites, more complex web applications; all in-house projects and we don't work with clients).

If you're responsible, proactive and enthusiastic to work with a company like ours, apply now!

The following are required:

- good English

- communicate well (responsive, address requests timely)

- able to solve problems and learn by yourself if you don't know something

- be able to work independently (not in office environment, get work done without followup)

- laptop with required software, smartphone and workable internet connection

40 hours per week, salary is based on performance (between 10-30mio per month)

Apply now for trial week (paid), trial month and after that a fulltime position.

Please email [email protected] with your CV


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