(Help) Instalasi blog di VPS

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Beginner 2.0
barusan aja ak pakek VPS dan sama sekali blom ada pengalaman jadi masih sangat bingung, trus ak coba mo install wordpress tp error

Sorry, I can't write to the directory. You'll have to either change the permissions on your WordPress directory or create your wp-config.php manually.

dan setelah googling caranya adalah men chmod root ke 777

pertanyaannya bagaimana cara nge chmod root ke 777, pakek ssh kah?? ada tutorial commandnya?? sory nubi banyak tanya :)
VPSnya udah dimanage apa belum ?
Kalau boleh tau pakai apa ? cpanel atau yang lain ?
ada errornya ngga ?
web servernya pake apa ?

coba edit manual wp-config.phpnya

ganti nama database, user, sama passwordnya
ada errornya ngga ?
web servernya pake apa ?

coba edit manual wp-config.phpnya

ganti nama database, user, sama passwordnya

masih tetep Sorry, I can't write to the directory. You'll have to either change the permissions on your WordPress directory or create your wp-config.php manually.

padahal udah 777, wp-config.phpnya
masih tetep Sorry, I can't write to the directory. You'll have to either change the permissions on your WordPress directory or create your wp-config.php manually.

padahal udah 777, wp-config.phpnya

Coba di cek Change Ownershipnya bro.
Jenis perintah : chown

contoh : chown -R namauser:namauser /home/www/blog/*

jadi semua file yang ada didalamnya berubah sesuai nama usernya.
masih tetep Sorry, I can't write to the directory. You'll have to either change the permissions on your WordPress directory or create your wp-config.php manually.

padahal udah 777, wp-config.phpnya

cara paling gampang chmod 777 blog :), biar jalan aja dulu wordpressnya
atw kaya yang dibilang sama nicosoftmedia

itu masalahnya di permission foldernya, jadi kalo hanya filenya yang diubah permissionnya kan ttp aja :D
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