[i2dotnet] Webhosting

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Apprentice 1.0
Promo Tahun 2010 (free upgrade) pakai kupon "2010" pada saat anda order
Jika anda memesan paket hosting i2dot 1 maka akan kami upgrade paket hosting anda ke paket i2dot 2 dan begitu seterusnya.

i2dot 1

Space 100MB
Traffic 2GB
Rp. 100.000,- /tahun

i2dot 2

Space 250MB
Traffic 5GB
MySQL 10
Rp. 200.000,- /tahun

i2dot 3
Space 350MB
Traffic 10GB
MySQL 15
Rp. 300.000,- /tahun

paket lainnya : i2dot 4 s/d 6

[Client Control Panel]

- Latest cPanel Control Panel
- Website Statistics: AWStats, Webalizer, Raw Log Manager, Referrer and Error Logs
- Fantastico: Instant Shopping Carts, Blogs, Portals, Forums, Counters, Formmail
- Password Protected Directories and Custom Error Pages
- Web Based File Manager, Hotlink Protection, IP Deny Manager, Redirect URL

[Programming Tools]

- Unlimited MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin Access
- Programming Languages: CGI, Fast CGI, PHP 5, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python, SSI
- Programming Modules: Curl, CPAN, GD Library, Image Magick
- System Management: Cron Job Scheduling
- FrontPage Extensions

[Email Features]

- Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP
- WebMail Access: Choose from Horde, SquirrelMail, or RoundCube
- Receive your email to your phone via IMAP Support
- Prevent spam with SpamAssassin
- Unlimited Autoresponders, Mail, Forwards, Email Aliases, Mailing Lists

More Features :)

- More than 4500 websites templates
- Site Builder

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