Invitation to Global Conference on Open Source

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(Ret) Community Leader
Sekedar meneruskan info....

The Ministry of Research and Technology, the Department of Communication & Information Technology
and the Association of Open Source of Indonesia,
cordially invite you to take part in the Global Conference on Open Source (GCOS) which will be held on

26-27 October 2009
8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Indonesian Ballroom Shangri-La Hotel
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 1
Jakarta 10220

GCOS involves speakers and panelists from around the world to discuss government initiatives, business models, community development projects, and education programs that are based on or benefit from open source technology. GCOS will also discuss the role of open source in creative industries and hold workshops to promote its use while providing a hands-on experience for the public.

We invite you to visit for more information and registration

We look forward to your participation in the conference.
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