login with google,twitter,facebook error


Apprentice 1.0
halo admin website diskusiwebhosting.com, saya coba login with google dan twitter error. kalau facebook sepertinya bisa. bisa di cek setting bagian developer google dan twitter. dan di setting di panel admin xenforonya


Expert 1.0
halo admin website diskusiwebhosting.com, saya coba login with google dan twitter error. kalau facebook sepertinya bisa. bisa di cek setting bagian developer google dan twitter. dan di setting di panel admin xenforonya
Kalo dr google sendiri, saya terima info mrk merubah sistem backend login by google

One or more of your web applications uses the legacy Google Sign-In JavaScript library. Please migrate your project(s) to the new Google Identity Services SDK before March 31, 2023.

You are receiving this message as a reminder that one or more of your web applications uses the legacy Google Sign-In web solution. Our announced plan stated that support for the Google Sign-In JavaScript platform library will be deprecated after March 31, 2023.

After March 31, 2023, migration to Google Identity Services is recommended to sign in customers using their Google Account to your platform. The SDK will use the new Sign in with Google client library.

Tp ni dah berlaku sjk bbrp bln lalu di 2022 bikin login by google di web app delivery milik saya gagal total.

Entah ya klo d DWH.
