Mendadak Server Admin

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Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
Hello om @pocarisweat , maksudnya IP disamarkan apa ya ? di ss saya sepertinya tidak ada ip...
aduh gak bisa edit post disini. iya om.. itu dibagian atas pada SS keliatan ip nya

minta tolong mimin aja utk edit


Beginner 2.0
Wadau.... baru bisa bernapa lega... kena phising lagi... kalau kita mau forensik/security audit... apa kita bisa deteksi:
1. File dibuat dari script atau dari akses lain (FTP, etc) ?
2. Kalau bisa, gimana cara tracenya

Thanks ya... sedih banget di phising terus...


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
@xperia huehuehe... kalau gak gitu gk belajar om


Beginner 2.0
Ah edan... ada orang lain (atau hacker yang sama) kirim email begini:


We have detected a security breach in your system, [namauser], would like to share this information with the manager of these sites to help repair the damage, we provide server management and Web security services, would be a pleasure working with you a brief summary of this vulnerability is that it allows you access to the server to extract the information, which is very dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands, fortunately we work to help businesses that need our services in this way, like you if so desire, the following is a test of our credibility:

http://[domain saya]

We are a reserved team and can be assured that your information will never be revealed and which we act with full confidentiality.

Your prompt reply is expected.

Thank you very much."

emailnya dari :

Hiks.. naseeeb... deal dengan mereka atau ga ya ?
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