No filesystems with quota detected.

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Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
Ada yang tau penyelesaian masalah ini:

root@server [/]# /scripts/fixquotas
Installing Default Quota Databases......Done
Linux Quota Support
Quotas are now on
No filesystems with quota detected.
Resetting quota for user1 to 2000 M
No filesystems with quota detected.
Resetting quota for user2 to 5000 M

Karena terdeteksi No filesystems with quota detected. semua account di dalam daftar whm menunjukan unlimited space dan tidak bisa mendeteksi pengunaan quota.


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
Mungkin quota belum di-enabled?
WHM -> Initial Quota Setup

Hallo mas bforce

di WHM -> Initial Quota Setup

Errornya sama

Installing Default Quota Databases......Done
Linux Quota Support
Quotas are now on
No filesystems with quota detected.
Resetting quota for user1 to 2000 M
No filesystems with quota detected.
Resetting quota for user2 to 5000 M

saya berfikir kemungkinan ada masalah di OS nya ya di coba deh reload OS dan instal cpanel lagi. tapi tetp seperti ini :frusty:. kemudian di coba install directadmin denga reload OS dulu tentunya. eh kasusnya sama :boom:

Hosting Guru
Verified Provider

ini sudah di jalankan sebelum membuat thread. tidak begitu menbuahkan hasil yang baik.

ini juga sama belum bisa mengatasi masalah.

beberapa hasilnya

root@server [~]# quotacheck -acugv
quotacheck: Can't find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with quota option.
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