Salah satu pendiri Lxlabs bunuh diri

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Dari forumnya lxlabs di buat thread bahwa Lingesh aka LxHelp telah bunuh diri.

Bangalore : He sported long hair, usually played the guitar well into the wee hours at his house in Sector 6, HSR Layout and his
shoulder tattoo read `God is a F***** Idiot'. He lived a lonely life, perhaps unable to come to terms with the tragic suicide of his sister and mother a couple of years ago.

On Monday morning, software company owner K T Ligesh, 32, was found hanging in his house.

He was also deeply upset his company, Lx Labs, in HSR Layout, 6th Sector, had recently lost a project to another company. The police said Ligesh, son of Dr Sreedharan of Kannur, Kerala, was a brilliant software engineer who came to the city about four years ago. He set up his company which was doing quite well and stayed with a friend Sheenu in the same house where his company was located.

Both his mother and sister had hanged themselves five years ago and this had always bothered Ligesh. A song writer and guitarist, he was even part of a band. The police said they'd received several complaints from neighbours about the loud music and even warned him.

Neighbours confirmed that Ligesh didn't have many friends and didn't interact with anyone. Often, he'd sleep with the house door open. On his social networking site
page, he wrote that his ambition was to kill God and he was an anti-Christ.

On Sunday night, Ligesh and Sheenu talked and drank till well past midnight and an agitated Ligesh talked about the death of his mother and sister. DCP (South-East) B N S Reddy said he was also upset about the lost contract.

While Sheenu went to sleep in his room, Ligesh stayed in his and on Monday morning, Sheenu found that Ligesh had hanged himself.

Dr Sreedharan came to Bangalore on hearing of the death. The post mortem will be conducted on Tuesday, after which the body will be handed over to his father.

[email protected]

Info berita

Lxlabs saat ini sedang mengalami musibah yang beruntun. :(
Turut berduka

Tragis. Kaca bagi kita, para pemain IT. Mari cari teman yg banyak, biar rame hidup ini. Mari berbagi, karenanya tidak akan pernah rugi. Allah akan kasih kita 10 kali lipat. Amin.
Aku masih pakai hypervm dan masih ok.
Bulan ini gak ada tagihan :)
Intinya jangan pake port defaultnya yaitu 8888 dan 8887. Ubah ke port lain.
jgn lupa ditambah CSF supaya secure.
sepertinya lisensi hypervm tidak di tagih lagi karena hypervm akan segera di open source alias gratis, begitu menurut forum Lxlabs.
Intinya jangan pake port defaultnya yaitu 8888 dan 8887. Ubah ke port lain.
jgn lupa ditambah CSF supaya secure.
sepertinya lisensi hypervm tidak di tagih lagi karena hypervm akan segera di open source alias gratis, begitu menurut forum Lxlabs.

Betul bro !!!
Mereka lagi membentuk consorsium, untuk membahas kelanjutan nasib
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