[Tanya] tentang SMTP tweak

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Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
hallo rekan rekan webmaster di sini :D

Saya mau tanya tentang SMPT Tweak ini alangkah baiknya di enable apa disable untuk security. namun jika di enable permasalahan muncul di webmail client

SMTP Error: Connection to server failed

Connection refused
111 Can't open SMTP stream.

There was an error sending your message: Failed to connect to localhost:25 [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Connection refused (code: -1, response: )]

ya solusinya disable saja SMTP Tweak ini.

ada masukan lainnya? :)
Sudah coba cek di CSF bro. Karena disana juga ada fungsi SMTP allow local, mungki itu yang harus di enablekan.
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