Update cPanel !

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bah..dah ada yaa..ngantuk neh.. :D thanks Tuan!

Itu topik berbeda, sedangkan yg ini soal security.

cPanel Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
December 21, 2009

A cross site scripting vulnerability has been discover in our 11.24.x versions of cPanel that has been addressed and fixed in our 11.25.x series of the product.

Pengguna cpanel sebaiknya memang melakukan upgrade secepatnya.
Siang ini ada patch untuk cPanel 11.25, do update deh, kayanya urgent.
Siang ini ada patch untuk cPanel 11.25, do update deh, kayanya urgent.

yup, benar update2 lagi :D.

Your current version of cPanel is 11.25.0-RELEASE_42213. According to the cPanel site, the latest available is 11.25.0-RELEASE_42399, you should consider upgrading to ensure bugs and security patches are up to date
Btw, yang ngerasa aneh gak di versi 11.25 ini? Sejak kemaren running CPU ampe di atas 7, cek ke log client resources-nya normal kaya biasa. Dari semalem blom tidur nyariin sumber bencana :confused:
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