VPS Memori Mulai: 64 MB Burstable Memori:128 MB Hardisk: 3 GB BDWT:75 GB IP 2 $10/MO

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Beginner 2.0

VPS (Virtual Private Server) adalah web hosting yang selangkah lebih maju daripada shared hosting. Dalam shared hosting, website Anda menggunakan memory / RAM, Processor, Bandwidth (kecepatan akses) secara bersamaan dan berbagi dengan pelanggan yang lain dalam satu server. Dengan VPS, kini hanyalah Kreativitas Anda yang menjadi batasan.

Kami hadirkan layanan VPS STABLE BERBASIS CENTOS 5 USA
Terbaru dengan fasilitas control panel gratis LX admin.
Spec sbb :

VPS Beginner
VPS Indonesia Murah Memori: 64 MB Burstable Memori: 128 MB Hardisk: 3 GB Bandwidth: 75 GB IP: 2 FRESH IP! Harga: * 100.000 /bulan atau $10/month

VPS Small

Memori: 128MB
Burstable Memori: 256 MB
Hardisk: 8 GB
Bandwidth: 150 GB
IP: 2 IP fresh!
Harga: * Rp. 200.000 - $20 /bulan

VPS Medium

Memori: 256 MB
Burstable Memori: 512 MB
Harddisk: 15 GB
Bandwidth: 300 GB
IP: 3 IP Fresh!
Harga: * Rp. 340.000 - $34 /bulan

VPS Large

Memori: 512 MB
Burstable Memori: 1024 MB
Harddisk: 30 GB
Bandwidth: 500 GB
IP: 4 IP Fresh!
Harga: * Rp. 550.000 - $55 /bulan

Dengan VPS anda akan mendapatkan resource yang lebih pasti, baik CPU, memori, maupun space.
Semua paket dilengkapi dengan:

* Free Reboots
* Free Reinstalls
* cpanel / WHM $15 /bln
* Fantastico $5 /bln
* Direct Admin $10 /bln

Contact Us Online support kami siap melayani anda
Berita ini Boleh anda forward ke kawan kawan yang memerlukan
terima kasih atas dukungannya, salam sukses
kalau menggunakan buat situs download freeware melanggar tos ngga ya? maklum, kayanya TOS webhosting di indonesia sangat multi-interpretasi.
hello sentabi pa kabar bro,

Penggunaan IRC untuk paket VPS kami nggak bisa di setujui bro :)
maklum ada TOS, kasihan servernya kalau di IRC terus bro :D
saran saya untuk yg suka untuk menggunakan IRC di Dedicated server
http://take2hosting.com - they allow IRC and I've been happy with using them.

stay to online sentabi, thank you

heheehe, beli dedi kemahalan :D
Alamat support nya di mana sih ?
Dulu perasaan sih ada di http://support.agenwebhost.com/, sekarang kok sudah sirna.

Kalau buat nanya-nanya lewat support ticket kan ndak papa ya ...

Kalau pakai support ticket, menurutku terdokumentasi daripada pakai YM. Dan kita nggak perlu bikin catatan sendiri.
@ dhimaz
support online 24/7 hours 2 shift bro jangan kuatir ada pertanyaan permintaan order dan ticket insya Allah di bantu ok :)

Pengumuman baru agenwebhost
VPS IIX habis stock

Bagi yang mau VPS USA silahkan ke putdomain

Basic VPS 5GB
Basic VPS
Node in Intel Dual Intel Xeon E5504
5 GB Disk Space
200 GB Bandwidth
Guaranted Ram 128 MB
Brustable Ram 256 MB
Full Root Access
VPS Management Panel
Dedicated IP Adress
High CPU Resources
Free 1 IP Fresh!
Free Setup Fee
Fast 10/100 Mbps
Monthly Subscription Rate $5.99 Annual Subscription Rate- $72.00

More ADDON in VPS server
whm/cpanel is $15/month
direct admin is $10/month
litespeed is $20/month
rvskin + fantastico is $8/month
whmcs is $12,99/month
clientexec is $ 10/month
Dedicated IP $2,99/month

Pro VPS 20GB solusVM
Node in Intel Dual Intel Xeon E5504
20 GB Disk Space
500 GB Bandwidth
Guaranted Ram 512 MB
Brustable Ram 768 MB
Full Root Access
VPS Management Panel
Dedicated IP Adress
High CPU Resources
Free 2 IP Fresh!
Free Setup Fee
Monthly Subscription Rate $14.99
Annual Subscription Rate- $180.00

More ADDON in VPS server
whm/cpanel is $15/month
direct admin is $10/month
litespeed is $20/month
rvskin + fantastico is $8/month
whmcs is $12,99/month
clientexec is $ 10/month
Dedicated IP $2,99/month

Standard VPS 10GB
Standar VPS
Node in Intel Dual Intel Xeon E5504
10 GB Disk Space
350 GB Bandwidth
Guaranted Ram 256 MB
Brustable Ram 384 MB
To Use cPanel ADDON minimal 256 Ram
Full Root Access
VPS Management Panel
Dedicated IP Adress
High CPU Resources
Free 1 IP Fresh!
Free Setup Fee
Monthly Subscription Rate $9.99
Annual Subscription Rate- $120.00

More ADDON in VPS server
whm/cpanel is $15/month
direct admin is $10/month
litespeed is $20/month
rvskin + fantastico is $8/month
whmcs is $12,99/month
clientexec is $ 10/month
Dedicated IP $2,99/month
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