what does .bz stand for (apa. bz berdiri untuk?)

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Beginner 1.0
I know .bz is the ccTLDs for Belize, what why are people registering it? what does it stand for? like .ws is ccTLD for Samoa, but is use to imply website. so, what is .bz?
I know .bz is the ccTLDs for Belize, what why are people registering it? what does it stand for? like .ws is ccTLD for Samoa, but is use to imply website. so, what is .bz?

People use it simply for their own interests/needs. For example, I can use .bz for something like internetnoo.bz (newbies) and so on.
Thanks for all the input. I was thinking that .bz was riding on being the shorter version of .biz :)
we know
.cc = credit card / Commerce Company
.ws = website
.tm = trademark
.md = Medical Doctor
.me = ME
.tv = Television
.fm = radio
.cd = Compact Disc etc

so, .bz = ?
Thanks for all the input. I was thinking that .bz was riding on being the shorter version of .biz :)
we know
.cc = credit card / Commerce Company
.ws = website
.tm = trademark
.md = Medical Doctor
.me = ME
.tv = Television
.fm = radio
.cd = Compact Disc etc

so, .bz = ?

"BuZineZZ" for the l33t ? lol , or maybe Buzz (as in Internet Buzz). Don't know in particular for what it could be used other than for it's own country .tld, which as we all already know, Belize.
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