www.zipclue.com (News Search Engine)

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Nowadays, as the proliferation of web contents, it creates new challenges to find relevant news information from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, and other sites. There are needs for search engine which can provide news from multiple sources for specific information, either for time critical missions or for intelligence purposes.

ZipClue is a prototype of News Search Engine (abbreviated NSE), which makes extensive use of the structure present in hypertext. ZipClue NSE is designed to crawl news information on the web effectively and efficiently. ZipClue stores and produces historical electronic news around the world depends upon limiting parameters which we as the authors can set up, in this particular instance, we rank them based upon news release time (NRT) which practically try to grab the latest news out there. The prototype with a full text and hyperlink database of electronic news is available here and can be used for FREE unlimited usage.

In the future, the NSE framework can be deploy using push technology for intelligence, public relations, and advertising purposes both for personal or institution, for private or government sector.

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