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Hosting Guru
Udah provisioningnya Luamaaa.... kirain hasilnya menggembirakan, ga taunya paling lelet .. cukup test 1 region aja deh ..... :D :

nina@nina-Inspiron-3442:~$ ssh [email protected]
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:+cee4IllIXkQjfhEKS/6NODyAWIhGEsnPIEJ2//uh9k.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
[nina@gplhosting ~]$ sudo bash

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

  #1) Respect the privacy of others.
  #2) Think before you type.
  #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

[sudo] password for nina:
[root@gplhosting nina]# wget freevps.us/downloads/bench.sh -O - -o /dev/null|bash
Benchmark started on Jum Mei 13 04:27:38 UTC 2016
Full benchmark log: /root/bench.log

System Info
Processor   : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2673 v3 @ 2.40GHz
CPU Cores   : 16
Frequency   : 2394.439 MHz
Memory      : 113029 MB
Swap        : 0 MB
Uptime      : 26 min,

OS          : CentOS release 6.7 (Final)
Arch        : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel      : 2.6.32-573.18.1.el6.x86_64
Hostname    : gplhosting

Speedtest (IPv4 only)
Your public IPv4 is

Location                 Provider   Speed
CDN                      Cachefly   7,54MB/s

Atlanta, GA, US          Coloat     42,0MB/s
Dallas, TX, US           Softlayer  87,3MB/s
Seattle, WA, US          Softlayer  40,6MB/s
San Jose, CA, US         Softlayer  31,9MB/s
Washington, DC, US       Softlayer  39,7MB/s

Tokyo, Japan             Linode     15,1MB/s
Singapore                Softlayer  9,49MB/s

Rotterdam, Netherlands   id3.net    11,3MB/s
Haarlem, Netherlands     Leaseweb   31,6MB/s

Disk Speed
I/O (1st run)   : 8 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)   : 7 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)   : 1 MB/s
Average I/O     : 5.33333 MB/s

[root@gplhosting nina]#

Itu padahal pilih mesin Standard DS14_v2 yang 50000 IOPS ... wkwkwkwkw :D

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