ask tentang WHMCS dikid soal

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Poster 2.0
gini Tuan saya kan uda setup whmcs nya untuk product saya set automatially create order when i manually accept order... jadi biar saya accept dl baru account di create... nah masalahny accountny uda di create di WHM tapi systemny ga bikin email yg buad dikirim ke customer yg isiny info account hostingny....
gini Tuan saya kan uda setup whmcs nya untuk product saya set automatially create order when i manually accept order... jadi biar saya accept dl baru account di create... nah masalahny accountny uda di create di WHM tapi systemny ga bikin email yg buad dikirim ke customer yg isiny info account hostingny....

Cek di Menu Setup => Product/Services => Edit produk-nya => di Tab Detail, ada baris "Welcome Email" nah itu tinggal pilih deh...
Cek di Menu Setup => Product/Services => Edit produk-nya => di Tab Detail, ada baris "Welcome Email" nah itu tinggal pilih deh...

udah bisa Tuan yg tentang detail aaccounthostingny...tapi skarang welcome email yg isiny "thank you for signing up with us. your new account has been setup and you can now login to our client area using the details below..Bla2bla2" malah ga ada pas regis id baru
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