[ask]whmcs user detail change

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Hosting Guru
mau tanya,apa ada pengaturan untuk ngelimit user buat ngerubah detail?
jadi misalnya ada user baru register,musti d approve dulu baru bisa pake layanan apapun...
trus kalo user mau change detail juga harus d periksa...
settingannya dimana ya?
soalnya dapet jatah inject nih kyknya...
Client ID: 11 - hos hosting has requested to change his/her details as indicated below:

First Name: 'hos' to 'AES_ENCRYPT(1,1), firstname=(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id,0x3a,username,0x3a,email,0x3a,password SEPARATOR 0x2c20) FROM tbladmins)'
Last Name: 'hosting' to '1'
Company Name: 'hosting' to '1'
Address 1: 'surabaya' to '1'
Address 2: 'surabaya' to '1'
City: 'surabaya' to '1'
State: 'jawa timur' to '1'
Postcode: '036' to '1'
Country: 'ID' to 'US'
Phone Number: '085637282644' to '1'
Default Payment Method: '' to ''

If you are unhappy with any of the changes, you need to login and revert them - this is the only record of the old details.

jadi barusan saya revert database n lsg update ke 5.2.12..untung blom ada active order minggu ini...>.<

tambahan,sempet ada user register pake email [email protected] n kyknya langsung exploit..kalo ada yg kenal,hajar plz...tq


Hosting Guru
soal yg buat ngedit user detail ktemu d setup -> general settings -> other
d bagian Locked Client Profile Fields

tinggal buat ngelimit register nih..

kalo " Only Auto Provision for Existing Tick this box to always leave orders by new clients pending for manual review (no auto setup/registration) " itu ngaruh gak y?


Web Hosting Service
The Warrior
Verified Provider
saya malah kemarin ada yg kyk pke email [email protected]
eh tiba-tiba dia chat ym pke email itu minta trial hosting, huft...


Apprentice 2.0
disaya langsung terminasi semua kalau ada layanan aktif


Hosting Guru
saya malah kemarin ada yg kyk pke email [email protected]
eh tiba-tiba dia chat ym pke email itu minta trial hosting, huft...

nyah..kalo masih ngehubungin via chat mah enak...lah ini tiba2 langsung change detail tanpa ada order apa2..

disaya langsung terminasi semua kalau ada layanan aktif

kalo layanan aktif,mending...soale udh bayar juga...lah ini register gk jelas,tiba2 ada command sql..parah juga...lsg terminate,restore db,update.wakakakka


Hosting Guru
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