BurstNET Mau Tutup

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Apprentice 2.0
Dapat info dari WHT, siap2 migrasi bagi yg masih punya server di sana.

Dear BurstNET client,

It is with great regret that we inform you that all of your services with BurstNET will be terminating on your next billing cycle/renewal/current expiration of purchased services but in all cases no later than July 25th, 2014.

If you are a CO-Location client you can disregard this message. Your services will persist.

You will have until July 24th to migrate your services to other providers. On July 25th all services will be terminated.

We apologize for any inconveniences and wish you and your businesses great success.


padahal kemarin saya masih lihat iklannya tuh,
wah sayang juga ya .. burstnet sudah cukup lama di bisnis ini :)
sepertinya burstnet nya ga tutup, cuman layanan colocation aja yang aktif..

selebihnya, seperti vps atau dedicated server tutup..
oh mungkin mereka hanya ingin fokus di CO-Location saja yach
masa colocation lebih menguntungkan daripada dedicated & vps sih bro?

tanggung amat ya burstnet, mendingan jual perusahaannya sekalian, sayang kan brand & customernya yang udah dikumpulin selama ini, emang gampang
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