cara membuat shopping chart di whmcs

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sori bos...masih oot....apa yang ini :
1. Login to the Admin Area and configure your General Settings (Configuration > General Settings)
2. Setup your Payment Gateways (Configuration > Payment Gateways)
3. Setup your Products & Services (Configuration > Products/Services)
4. Configure your Domain Pricing (Configuration > Domain Pricing)
5. Setup your Support Ticket Departments (Configuration > Support Departments)
6. Setup email piping so you can manage tickets using the WHMCS Support Desk - for full instructions on this please see the relevant article
7. Ensure the WHMCS Cron Job is setup and configure automated tasks (Configuration > Automation Settings)
8. Place some test orders on your website to check everything works as expected
benar-benar minta maaf bos...saya masih oot pool...apa yang di main page whmcs?
general seting letaknya dimana? (sori berat)
bos...apa templatenya di sini?

Zone Template Editor
The Zone Template Editor will allow you to edit the default zones that are used when creating dns entries. Unless you have a custom setup, you do not need to edit these.

standardvirtualftp - used for creating a the default zone on a new account with a virtual FTP ip
standard - used for creating a the default zone on a new account and parked/addon domains
simple - used for creating a zone with only an A entry for the domain.
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oops sorry bos, udah lama nih ga liat sistem template di whmcs

cukup arahin aja form pemesanan ke cart.php (di template). di tiap produk/service yg dibuat kan biasanya ada 2 link yg bisa dipake tuh, mo pake order.php atau cart.php. tinggal pilih aja
bos di menu sebeleh kiri ada menu-menu :
1. Support
2. Cluster/Remote Access
3. Server Status
4. Account Information
5. Account Functions
6. Multi-Account Functions
7. FrontPage
8. Themes
9. Packages
10. DNS Functions
11. Email
12. cPanel
14. Plugins

ada di submenu yang mana dari menu di atas bos? thanks berat
template = themes

oops sorry bos, udah lama nih ga liat sistem template di whmcs

cukup arahin aja form pemesanan ke cart.php (di template). di tiap produk/service yg dibuat kan biasanya ada 2 link yg bisa dipake tuh, mo pake order.php atau cart.php. tinggal pilih aja

apa template = themes bos? kalo tidak dimana letak template??? :confused:
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