Exim CVE-2019-16928 RCE (cPanel Update)

BUANA dotnet

Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
CVE ID: CVE-2019-16928
Date: 2019-09-27 (CVE assigned)
Version(s): from 4.92 up to and including 4.92.2
Reporter: areuu () outlook com
Reference: https://bugs.exim.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2449
Issue: Heap-based buffer overflow in string_vformat,
remote code execution seems to be possible

Ayo jangan lupa di update cPanel nya ya :)

Yang mau hemat b/w international nya bisa add official Indonesia repo cpanel dengan cara:

  1. SSH/Terminal Login ke server cpanel
  2. jalankan:
echo HTTPUPDATE=cpanel.buana.web.id >> /etc/cpsources.conf

Selanjutnya tiap kali update bisa pakai menu di WHM seperti biasa,
atau kalau mau lewat command line ketik /scripts/upcp

Update akan diambil dari repo server cpanel.buana.web.id /
