Masalah Error Pengaktifan Domain Via WHMCA

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Apprentice 1.0
Teman2 saya ada masalah seperti berikut ini dalam account WHMCS saat pengaktifan domain name. Kira-kira kenapa ya ? Berikut Error-nya:

An Error Occured
HTTP Error: cURL ERROR: 7: couldn't connect to host
http_code: 0
header_size: 0
request_size: 0
filetime: -1
ssl_verify_result: 0
redirect_count: 0
total_time: 0.052422
namelookup_time: 2.1E-5
connect_time: 0
pretransfer_time: 0
size_upload: 0
size_download: 0
speed_download: 0
speed_upload: 0
download_content_length: -1
upload_content_length: -1
starttransfer_time: 0
redirect_time: 0
certinfo: Array


Apprentice 1.0
Baru saya mendapat informasi dari support WHMCS. jawabannya seperti ini:
This error message indicates that you haven't yet allowed your servers IP to access your ResellerClub account via the new ResellerClub module. You have to do this in the Settings > API section of ResellerClub control panel before you can use the new module. The IP you need to authorize is typically the main shared IP of the server, usually most easily found from the IP your WHMCS license is assigned to. It can take up to half an hour for this change to take effect.


Hosting Guru
Soapapi kedepan akan deprecated yang baru pakai httpapi
kemarin waktu soapapi error ternyata pakai httpapi jalan sempurna.
yang pusing ini bikin modul whmcsnya karena dari whmcs sendiri di encrypt jadi ya pusing.


New Member
Saya juga mengalami masalah yang sama untuk reseller-id
sudah saya whitelist kok sama ya

Mohon pencerahan dari suhu suhu disini


Apprentice 1.0
saya pernah mengalami masalah ini.
IP sudah di whitelist.
Firewall server dimatikan.
Tapi masih tidak bisa.
Kontak ke resellerclub ternyata IP ke block oleh firewall mereka
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