OVH Singapore (server Singapore Rasa USA)


Hosting Guru
Assalamualaikum, wr.wb
Selamat Pagi rekan DWH

Tahun lalu Kami menggunakan layana OVH Singapore, setelah melakukan test IP membuat saya bingung, mengapa server singapore latency rasa USA (sekitar ~180ms)
Padahal harusnya server singapore dibawah ~30ms.

Akhirnya coba meminta penjelasan dari tim support mereka, ternyata traffic peer di LAX (Los Angeles, California USA) terlebih dahulu.

Ini jawaban mereka :

OVH moves a lot of data to your ISP's network and your ISP's public IX is therefore limiting traffic directly from OVH in Singapore in order to keep OVH from saturating their public link and . OVH's network capacity is 400 Gbps and PT Telkom is only ~100 Gbps, so it is easy for OVH to do so.

Therefore, in order to increase throughput and keep PT Telkom from limiting them, OVH routes the traffic through a peer in LAX (Los Angeles, California USA) first.

This in turn obviously causes the latency you are seeing ~180ms.

You may ask "Then how are some of these companies like Linode, DO, Vultr, LeaseWeb, etc., able to have lower latency also being in Singapore?".

The reason is because their network throughput is small compared to OVH and the amount of data they are pushing to PT Telkom is negligible in comparison to OVH, so PT Telkom is not having to limit traffic from those companies.

If/when those companies bandwidth to PT Telkom increases to OVH levels, you can expect PT Telkom to limit them as well and have the exact same issues with latency as OVH.

At this time, the only resolution I am aware of would be for OVH to pay for private peering with PT Telkom, which is expensive, OVH is not willing to pay it, because technically it's not our issue.

So just to note, this is an issue with your ISP and how it handles traffic from OVH. Not an issue with the OVH network.

Hopefully at some point OVH and PT Telkom can come to a mutually beneficial agreement that will improve network peering between their networks and lower latency.


Apprentice 1.0
Verified Provider
itu khusus utk pengguna ISP indi*** ya?
saya pakai byU ke ovh masih dpt di bawah 100ms

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=52ms TTL=46
Reply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=46
Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=46
Reply from bytes=32 time=72ms TTL=46

tapi utk web memang lewat cloudflare semua, meminimalisir lemot jika yg akses indi***


Poster 1.0
Jelas dikatakan diatas, jika masalah latency ini hanya terjadi pada pelanggan Telkom. Pengguna ISP lain mungkin tak ada masalah.


Web Hosting Service
The Warrior
Verified Provider
ovh berat kalau pakai telkom, pasti banyak yg komplain


Poster 1.0
mau ganti telkom atau ganti ovh nya?
Seharusnya Telkom sebagai perusahaan BUMN melakukan inovasi paling depan, coz Telkom adalah 'muka' bangsa ini dibidang teknologi, khususnya internet. Memalukan sih kalo Telkom masih sangat konservatif dalam mengelola perusahaannya. Private Company macem OVH aja kapasitas jaringannya 400Gbps, masa iya BUMN, which is dananya gak terbatas hanya mampu provide 100Gbps?


Hosting Guru
The Warrior
Verified Provider
Sepertinya hanya yang lewat Indihome saja, saya coba layanan Telkom dengan segment IP 36.95.254.* ke OVH rata-rata 21ms latencynya
Namun coba lewat Indihome emang 192ms rata-rata latencynya
Jadi, sebenarnya ini bukan masalah kemampuan namun lebih ke model bisnisnya mereka
