Today Update WHM Gagal

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Poster 2.0
maaf Tuan kenapa ya update WHM punya sya Failed.

An error was detected which prevented updatenow from completing normally.
Please review the enclosed log for further details


[20140128.234457] Detected version '' from version file.
[20140128.234457] Using mirror '' for host ''.
[20140128.234457] Target version set to ''
[20140128.234457] Checking license
[20140128.234457] License file check complete
[20140128.234457] Checking that the RPM DB is OK...
[20140128.234457] glibc-2.12-1.107.el6_4.5.x86_64
[20140128.234457] glibc-2.12-1.107.el6_4.5.i686
[20140128.234457] OK: RPM DB is responding to queries
[20140128.234457] Testing if rpm_is_working RPM is installed
[20140128.234457] package rpm_is_working is not installed
[20140128.234457] Testing if it's possible to install a simple RPM
[20140128.234457] Preparing... ##################################################
[20140128.234457] rpm_is_working ##################################################
[20140128.234500] Switching to version '' of updatenow to perform sync.
[20140128.234501] Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, rhnplugin, security
[20140128.234503] Profilename: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[20140128.234503] IP:XXXXXXXXXXXXX Not licensed
[20140128.234503] There was an error communicating with CLN.
[20140128.234503] CLN support will be disabled.
[20140128.234503] Error communicating with server. The message was:
[20140128.234503] Error Message:
[20140128.234503] Please run rhn_register as root on this client
[20140128.234503] Error Class Code: 9
[20140128.234503] Error Class Info: Invalid System Credentials.
[20140128.234503] Explanation:
[20140128.234503] An error has occurred while processing your request. If this problem
[20140128.234503] persists please enter a bug report at
[20140128.234503] If you choose to submit the bug report, please be sure to include
[20140128.234503] details of what you were trying to do when this error occurred and
[20140128.234503] details on how to reproduce this problem.
[20140128.234503] Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
[20140128.234503] Setting up Install Process
[20140128.234503] No package screen available.
[20140128.234503] Error: Nothing to do
[20140128.234503] Prelinking shared libraries and binaries: /usr/sbin/prelink -av -mR
[20140128.234505] E Sysup: Needed system RPMs were not installed: screen
[20140128.234505] ***** FATAL: Cannot proceed. Needed system RPMs were not installed.
[20140128.234505] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[20140128.234505] E Detected events which require user notification during updatenow. Will send iContact the log

itu pesan yg terkirim ke email Tuan. gara2 Failed Phpmyadmin cpanel gak bisa di buka error :


Expert 1.0
Ini karena masnya pakai cloudlinux, dan cloudlinuxnya mungkin dalam keadaan tidak aktif lisensinya sehingag di blok yum nya.

Coba mas aktifkan kembali lisensi cloudlinuxnya dan dicoba lagi jalankan update hariannya jika memang perlu.


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
itu Cloudlinuxnya uninstall dulu .. kayaknya karena licensinya .. CMIIW
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