We know there's a lot of people eagerly awaiting the next update to WHMCS and to find out more about what it will contain. So as promised a couple of weeks ago, here is a sneak preview of the line up for Version 4.5.
This PDF download contains a provisional changelist and some screenshots of some of the new features.
We've been hard at work on this since the last release in January and we're all pretty excited about it here, so hope you will be too! We've just got some final checks and adjustments left to do and then we'll be releasing a beta version to our testers group. Then depending on how that goes, and the amount of feedback we receive, the plan is we'll either open the beta up to a wider audience or move straight to a stable release early in May.
If you have not helped with beta testing before and would like to be a part of it, and have the time necessary to contribute to installing, testing and providing feedback to us over the next couple of weeks, then please apply to be a beta tester. More info on that can be found @ http://forum.whmcs.com/forumdisplay.php?f=40
WHMCS V4.5 Provisional Changelog PDF Download: http://www.whmcs.com/members/dl.php?type=d&id=74
This PDF download contains a provisional changelist and some screenshots of some of the new features.
We've been hard at work on this since the last release in January and we're all pretty excited about it here, so hope you will be too! We've just got some final checks and adjustments left to do and then we'll be releasing a beta version to our testers group. Then depending on how that goes, and the amount of feedback we receive, the plan is we'll either open the beta up to a wider audience or move straight to a stable release early in May.
If you have not helped with beta testing before and would like to be a part of it, and have the time necessary to contribute to installing, testing and providing feedback to us over the next couple of weeks, then please apply to be a beta tester. More info on that can be found @ http://forum.whmcs.com/forumdisplay.php?f=40