Ada yang sudah coba whmcs v7?

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Active Member
nunggu 7.1/7,2 dulu lah, biasa awal2 masih banyak bug


Apprentice 2.0
Sempat tanya soal harga akhirnya dijawab sama whmcs

Jawban soal harga baru:

We can certainly understand that no one likes a price increase. Typically, however, as our clients' businesses grow, their need for support along with new features increases. As such, we have introduced our new tiered pricing structure.

If there are less than 251 clients associated with your license, then there will not be a price increase.

We appreciate your business and our hope is that even even with the higher price, you will still find the benefit and value that our product brings to your company justifies the cost.


Web Hosting Service
The Warrior
Verified Provider
untuk upgrade sebenarnya malah rencana cari alternatif billing lain, harga whmcs lebih mahal dr harga cPanel :D
kalau yg masih pakai versi lama apa tetap naik harganya ya?
kebetulan sya dpt dr upline sih lisensinya, jd blm tau udh naik blm hehe


Apprentice 1.0
Verified Provider
Untung juga saya pernah langganan di liquidweb, uda 2 tahun akun saya masih aman jadi bisa dapet update whmcs tanpa beli six mo xixixi.

Bulan kemaren pantau wht masih ada beberapa yg jual owned di bawah $150 untuk branded. Yg penting kalau transaksi sama org dari domain .in hati2.
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