[ASK] Ada yang mengalami Error Install cPanel di Fresh Server?

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junior riau

Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
Hallo All
barang kali ada yang ngalami? saya dapat error seperti ini (dibawah) padahal fresh install, install memakai minimal iso centos 6.7
komposisi partisi
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1 77G 857M 72G 2% /
tmpfs 7,8G 0 7,8G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/md5 673G 69M 639G 1% /backup
/dev/md0 477M 57M 395M 13% /boot
/dev/md3 865G 72M 821G 1% /home
/dev/md6 31G 48M 30G 1% /tmp
/dev/md2 77G 52M 73G 1% /usr/local
/dev/md4 116G 60M 110G 1% /var/lib/mysql

#rpm -qa |grep sql

tidak ada mysql terinstall

tetap tidak mau

untuk server - server lain format komposisi partisi nya sama, semua bisa lancar jaya saat install (kecuali yang lama, /usr/local itu tergabung dalam /)

sh latest
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Cpanel & WHM Installer.....
____ _
___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
/ __| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
| (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
\___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
Installer Version v00051 r35fe0efdc2eb7ece5be547303617ab5ad94c7435

Beginning main installation.
2016-01-02 17:32:30 594 ( INFO): cPanel & WHM installation started at: Sat Jan 2 17:32:30 2016!
2016-01-02 17:32:30 595 ( INFO): This installation will require 20-50 minutes, depending on your hardware.
2016-01-02 17:32:30 596 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffee/jolt.
2016-01-02 17:32:30 597 ( INFO): The install will log to the /var/log/cpanel-install.log file.
2016-01-02 17:32:30 598 ( INFO):
2016-01-02 17:32:30 599 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3...
2016-01-02 17:32:31 392 ( INFO): CentOS 6 (Linux) detected!
2016-01-02 17:32:31 408 ( INFO): Checking RAM now...
2016-01-02 17:32:31 467 ( INFO): Validating that the system hostname ('hestia.hideserver.net') is a FQDN...
2016-01-02 17:32:31 1277 (DEBUG): - ssystem [BEGIN]: /usr/bin/rdate -s rdate.cpanel.net
2016-01-02 17:32:33 1277 (DEBUG): - ssystem [END]
2016-01-02 17:32:33 1279 ( INFO): The system set the clock to: Sat Jan 2 17:32:33 2016
2016-01-02 17:32:33 1289 ( INFO): The system changed the clock by 2 seconds.
2016-01-02 17:32:33 995 ( INFO): The installation process will now set up the necessary empty cpanel directories.
2016-01-02 17:32:33 1015 ( INFO): The installation process will now ensure that GPG is set up properly before it imports keys.
2016-01-02 17:32:33 1018 ( INFO): The installation process will now import GPG keys for yum.
2016-01-02 17:32:33 916 (DEBUG): Retrieving http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/cpanelsync/TIERS to the TIERS file...
2016-01-02 17:32:33 916 (DEBUG): Retrieving http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/cpanelsync/TIERS.asc to the TIERS.asc file...
2016-01-02 17:32:34 1470 ( INFO): Downloading GPG public key, cPanelPublicKey.asc
2016-01-02 17:32:35 1439 ( INFO): Valid signature for TIERS
2016-01-02 17:32:35 119 (DEBUG): Parsing command line arguments.
2016-01-02 17:32:35 326 ( INFO): Install type: standard
2016-01-02 17:32:35 124 ( INFO): Running health checks prior to start.
2016-01-02 17:32:35 816 ( INFO): Validating whether the system can look up domains...
2016-01-02 17:32:35 828 (DEBUG): Testing cpanel.net...
2016-01-02 17:32:35 828 (DEBUG): Testing www.cpanel.net...
2016-01-02 17:32:35 828 (DEBUG): Testing updates.cpanel.net...
2016-01-02 17:32:35 828 (DEBUG): Testing httpupdate.cpanel.net...
2016-01-02 17:32:35 828 (DEBUG): Testing layer2.cpanel.net...
2016-01-02 17:32:35 828 (DEBUG): Testing layer1.cpanel.net...
2016-01-02 17:32:36 828 (DEBUG): Testing www.google.com...
2016-01-02 17:32:38 862 ( INFO): The system successfully connected to the httpupdate.cpanel.net server.
2016-01-02 17:32:38 485 ( INFO): cPanel Layer 1 Installer Starting...
2016-01-02 17:32:38 486 ( INFO): Warning !!! Warning !!! WARNING !!! Warning !!! Warning
2016-01-02 17:32:38 487 ( INFO): -------------------------------------------------------
2016-01-02 17:32:38 488 ( INFO): cPanel requires a fresh, clean server!
2016-01-02 17:32:38 489 ( INFO): If you serve websites from this server (and do not
2016-01-02 17:32:38 490 ( INFO): already run cPanel & WHM), this installer will
2016-01-02 17:32:38 491 ( INFO): overwrite all of your configuration files.
2016-01-02 17:32:38 492 ( INFO): Hit Ctrl+C NOW!
2016-01-02 17:32:38 493 ( INFO): If this is a new server, please ignore this message.
2016-01-02 17:32:38 494 ( INFO): -------------------------------------------------------
2016-01-02 17:32:38 495 ( INFO): Warning !!! Warning !!! WARNING !!! Warning !!! Warning
2016-01-02 17:32:38 496 ( INFO): Waiting 5 seconds...
2016-01-02 17:32:38 497 ( INFO):
2016-01-02 17:32:38 498 ( INFO):
2016-01-02 17:32:43 502 ( INFO): Checking for another control panel...
2016-01-02 17:32:43 523 ( INFO): Checking for an existing MySQL or MariaDB instance...
2016-01-02 17:32:43 527 (ERROR): The installation process found evidence that MySQL or MariaDB was installed on this server.
2016-01-02 17:32:43 528 (FATAL): You must install cPanel & WHM on a clean server.
Removing /root/installer.lock.

junior riau

Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
wah mirip sama yg ditanyain oleh tuan @pangeran1995 di forum LET .. status solved.

cb :
# find / -name sql

mungkin tuan @pangeran1995 bs bantu ?

[root@server ~]# find / -name sql
[root@server ~]#

gak ada hasil


[root@server ~]# find / -name '*sql*'

iya sudah di pm tuan @pangeran1995 tapi belum balas


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
newbie ijin nyimak :D


Hosting Guru
bagian sini
/dev/md4 116G 60M 110G 1% /var/lib/mysql

Tuan coba umount, dan di fstab nya di tanda # lalu reboot
jika sudah hilang maka Tuan coba install lagi

selang 2 menit baru Tuan mount kembali

junior riau

Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
ok jadi begini

semua server saya memakai raid 10. dengan skema partisi seperti berikut

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1 77G 857M 72G 2% /
tmpfs 7,8G 0 7,8G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/md5 673G 69M 639G 1% /backup
/dev/md0 477M 57M 395M 13% /boot
/dev/md3 865G 72M 821G 1% /home
/dev/md6 31G 48M 30G 1% /tmp
/dev/md4 116G 60M 110G 1% /var/lib/mysql

kemudian kami menu setup server baru

skema partisinya hampir sama , hanya /usr/local nya di pisah menjadi

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1 77G 857M 72G 2% /
tmpfs 7,8G 0 7,8G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/md5 673G 69M 639G 1% /backup
/dev/md0 477M 57M 395M 13% /boot
/dev/md3 865G 72M 821G 1% /home
/dev/md6 31G 48M 30G 1% /tmp
/dev/md2 77G 52M 73G 1% /usr/local
/dev/md4 116G 60M 110G 1% /var/lib/mysql

untuk server sebelumnya sama sama memakai centos 6.7 minimal iso
berjalan lancar, yang server baru memakai 6.7 minimal iso juga, tetapi saat install tidak bisa

bagian sini
/dev/md4 116G 60M 110G 1% /var/lib/mysql

Tuan coba umount, dan di fstab nya di tanda # lalu reboot
jika sudah hilang maka Tuan coba install lagi

selang 2 menit baru Tuan mount kembali

jika di unmount dan diinstall, nanti cpanel akan create /var/lib/mysql di dalam partisi / donk?


Hosting Guru
ok jadi begini

semua server saya memakai raid 10. dengan skema partisi seperti berikut

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1 77G 857M 72G 2% /
tmpfs 7,8G 0 7,8G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/md5 673G 69M 639G 1% /backup
/dev/md0 477M 57M 395M 13% /boot
/dev/md3 865G 72M 821G 1% /home
/dev/md6 31G 48M 30G 1% /tmp
/dev/md4 116G 60M 110G 1% /var/lib/mysql

kemudian kami menu setup server baru

skema partisinya hampir sama , hanya /usr/local nya di pisah menjadi

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1 77G 857M 72G 2% /
tmpfs 7,8G 0 7,8G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/md5 673G 69M 639G 1% /backup
/dev/md0 477M 57M 395M 13% /boot
/dev/md3 865G 72M 821G 1% /home
/dev/md6 31G 48M 30G 1% /tmp
/dev/md2 77G 52M 73G 1% /usr/local
/dev/md4 116G 60M 110G 1% /var/lib/mysql

untuk server sebelumnya sama sama memakai centos 6.7 minimal iso
berjalan lancar, yang server baru memakai 6.7 minimal iso juga, tetapi saat install tidak bisa

jika di unmount dan diinstall, nanti cpanel akan create /var/lib/mysql di dalam partisi / donk?

iya Tuan.. nanti di rm aja /var/lib/mysql nya nanti pas udah installasi baru di mount dan di creat ulang
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