Cyberhost hosting scams

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Web Hosting Service
The Warrior
Verified Provider
why you want to refund it ?


Expert 1.0
Teman teman nanti saya jelaskan semua karena mata saya sudah ngantuk sekali belum tidur habis setting Pricelist terbaru jadi saya mau charge badan dulu yah karena mata sudah 5 watt

Vincent Williams ini adalah salah satu spammer di dunia


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Saya kalau mau nipu ga bakalan tanggung2x dan Vincent Williams lagi bermasalah dengan saya di PayPal saat ini.

Piter jv

Poster 1.0
@Vincent Williams i think before you wanna to refund the cost that you have paid, you should read the term of service or AUP from the hosting provider . I am not too understand about webhosting, but i know all of webhosting provider they have a term of service that The hosting that you use is not allow to be a spammer website, p*rn site, Pock*r site or something like that...from the explanation of Cyberhost, you have some problem with them in PayPal... i believe that all member in this group is the people who loyal and friendly to their member if the member obey to the TOS.

correct me if i am wrong...


Hosting Guru
kalau dr percakapannya sepertinya TS membeli DS yang out of stock, sebaiknya direfund saja jika memang tidak tersedia agar segera selesai dan tidak memanjang


Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
Gimana ya cara mengindari dapat klien seperti itu? Maksud saya otomatis reject gitu.
biasanya fraud record sih lgs reject bro @masiqbal tidak sampai terjadi payment krn invoice lgs reject. cuma kalo usernya pinter dikit , IP Proxy nya dia di trace, dan bikin alamat yg sama persis dengan IP koneksinya , itu bisa lolos.

Cuma meskipun lolos ya gpp, trace saja report nya kalo bad reputation ya cepat2 di Refund, krn kalo nggak , dia dispute kita di repotin eyel2 an dulu, ya kalo dananya dari sumber yg bener, kalo ga bener, kena limit juga paypal kita.
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