[HELP] tolongin donk

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Poster 1.0
1. soaftacoulus yang tak pakai kok gak bisa buat instal wp dll ya
aoftacoulus yg tak pakai free premium 1 bulan

klo untuk instal keterangan gini =

The following error occured:
The INFO.XML file could not be found! Please report this to the server administrator.

2. wp/wordpress ku kok klo untuk update plugin dan wp versi terbaru keterangan gini trs =

To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.
FTP Username
FTP Password
Connection Type
Connection Type FTP FTPS (SSL)

klo udah di sambung kan update jalan tp status tetep blm terupdate

ini kesalah di server vps apa di mana ya boss

tolong bantuin donk sampek bisa normallll
1. soaftacoulus yang tak pakai kok gak bisa buat instal wp dll ya
aoftacoulus yg tak pakai free premium 1 bulan

klo untuk instal keterangan gini =

The following error occured:
The INFO.XML file could not be found! Please report this to the server administrator.

2. wp/wordpress ku kok klo untuk update plugin dan wp versi terbaru keterangan gini trs =

To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.
FTP Username
FTP Password
Connection Type
Connection Type FTP FTPS (SSL)

klo udah di sambung kan update jalan tp status tetep blm terupdate

ini kesalah di server vps apa di mana ya boss

tolong bantuin donk sampek bisa normallll

cara gampang: buka tiket ke softaculous, kasi akses server ke mereka, dan mereka bakal fix it. ;)
1. soaftacoulus yang tak pakai kok gak bisa buat instal wp dll ya
aoftacoulus yg tak pakai free premium 1 bulan

klo untuk instal keterangan gini =

The following error occured:
The INFO.XML file could not be found! Please report this to the server administrator.

2. wp/wordpress ku kok klo untuk update plugin dan wp versi terbaru keterangan gini trs =

To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.
FTP Username
FTP Password
Connection Type
Connection Type FTP FTPS (SSL)

klo udah di sambung kan update jalan tp status tetep blm terupdate

ini kesalah di server vps apa di mana ya boss

tolong bantuin donk sampek bisa normallll

Itu biasanya terjadi di VPS yang bandwidth international nya terlalu kecil, jadi tidak bisa download package softaculous dengan sempurna
Betul, kadang sewaktu update script-scriptnya softaculous, tidak perfect alias gagal download, hasilnya pas waktu instal script jadi problem di kliennya. Minta cek aja dulu di admin root update software, kadang walau udah sukses update software softa tetep problem, solusi akhir reinstal ulang softa dan pastikan koneksi bagus pas update.
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