License cPanel hanya 165rb

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Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
saatnya beli license cpanel for VPS 165rb dan cPanel for DS 450rb.

promo kode:

CP165 untuk cPanel VPS
CP450 untuk cPanel DS
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Hosting Guru
btw mungkin saya salah , seingat saya dulu waktu daftar ada range IP yang harus diisi untuk license internal

mungkin kebijakan baru sekrang beda ya, tapi baguslah kalo bisa dijual ke umum, jadi bisa buat tambahan income

Hati-hati Om @ekovirtua ... om kan udah "ngaji" nih, jangan sampai mendzalimi pihak CPanel, kalau ternyata sistem lisensi Partner NOC nya masih spt yg dulu, harus validasi IP address space.

mungkin ada baiknya di konfirmasi lagi ke CPanelnya perihal ini :

dimana disebutkan :

Other Requirements

- Ownership of IP Address Space
- Confirmation from current IP address owners that these have been allocated to your organization.

IP Address validation occurs through lookups on ARIN, RIPE, or official Internet Address organizations.  Communication and validation must occur with named organizations.

dan juga ini :

dimana disebutkan :

Requirement 2:  IP Address Space Ownership
To qualify as a Partner NOC you must provide proof of ownership on IP Address Space.   Proof of ownership can include the following:
- Direct Allocation with ability to review public ownership records through one of the internet number registries.
- Sub-Allocation with ability to review public ownership records through one the internet number registries.
- Authorization letter from current owner of IP Addresses.

kalau sudah konfirmasi ke CPanel dan kalau memang rules nya sudah berubah, ternyata boleh jual lisensi internal / partnerNOC diluar ip address space nya ...

atau dengan kata lain:
Sudah gak ada lagi "Internal License" dan "Extenal License"

ya monggo .. go ahead.
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