Pipe Email WHMCS Support Membludak


Poster 2.0
Dear tuan2

saya kan sudah sukses setup POP3 email support

namun kenapa ya jadi membludak gini:

Settingan cron nya seperti ini:

Apakah ada yang salah tuanku?

Mohon pencerahannya tuanku



Poster 2.0
dulu pernah gt , problem nya krn default sender nya sama dengan yg di pake email utama , apakah sudah di bedakan emailnya ? noreply dan admin nya ?

Pop3 support ticket departmen
saya pakai email general enquires pop3 : [email protected]
technical support: [email protected]
business development: [email protected]

Settingan email di general setting:
yang mail di general setting pakai : [email protected]
System Emails From Email: [email protected]
presales contact di bawah system from email: [email protected]

Sekedar info
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

itu masih 1 mailbox dibuat alias gitu

Demikian tuan


Apprentice 2.0
Verified Provider
Mending dibuat email berbeda jangan alias kalau gitu


Web Hosting Service
The Warrior
Verified Provider
kalaubsaya lebih suka email piping, email di forward ke pipe.php dibandingkan setup cron untuk import pop3nya.

BUANA dotnet

Hosting Guru
Verified Provider

Pop3 support ticket departmen
saya pakai email general enquires pop3 : [email protected]
technical support: [email protected]
business development: [email protected]

Settingan email di general setting:
yang mail di general setting pakai : [email protected]
System Emails From Email: [email protected]
presales contact di bawah system from email: [email protected]

Sekedar info
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

itu masih 1 mailbox dibuat alias gitu

Demikian tuan

Ini dari manual nya :

baca yg warna orange: This must be a full inbox, an alias is not sufficient

POP3 Import Method

The cron command
This method is recommend if you use any control panel other than cPanel or if you are wanting to pipe emails from domains other than just where your WHMCS system is installed. If you wish to pipe emails in from a Gmail/Google Apps Mail account we have specific instructions at Email Piping with Google Apps.

To use this method:

  1. On your mail server create a unique email account for each support department. This must be a full inbox, an alias is not sufficient.
  2. In WHMCS navigate to Setup > Support > Support Departments > Edit and enter your pop email access details in for each department.
  3. Then setup a cron job to run the pop.php file using the "Ticket Importing using POP3 Import" command given on the Support Departments page to run every few minutes (every 5 minutes is recommended).

BUANA dotnet

Hosting Guru
Verified Provider
mmm ... baru baca ... ini thread sudah lama banget ya
